What types of septic systems are used in NH?

Number of bedrooms dictates capacity
- 2 bedrooms between 500 & 1,000 gallons
- 3 bedrooms between 1,000 & 1,500 gallons
- 4 bedrooms between 1,500 & 2,000 gallons
All tanks collect and contain solid waste
- Some tanks require annual pumping…
- Some tanks require bi-annual pumping…
- Pumping a tank could cost $250 or more
- Number of occupants dictates frequency
All tanks require baffles
- Some tanks have intlet baffles
- All tanks have outlet baffles
- Some tanks have filtered outlet baffles
- Filtered baffles require annual cleaning
- Filter cleaning while pumping tank $25 to $50
- Filter cleaning by itself could cost $100 to $150
- Tanks with filters require riser for cleaning
- Tanks deeper than 6″ require a riser by code
- Riser prices run between $200 & $500
- Tanks without riser subject to extra charges
- Tanks are usually made of pre-cast concrete
- Some newer tanks are made of plastic resins
- Some older tanks are made of metal/steel
If you would like to learn more about Gravity Septic Systems click here.
If you would like to learn more about Pump-up Septic Systems click here.
For even more information on septic systems and general home repairs, please visit The Natural Handyman. The Natural Handyman is a great resourse for all homeowners, home buyers, and home sellers.